St. Mary Armenian Church 86th Anniversary Celebration
Parishioners and friends gathered at St. Mary Church for a beautiful celebration of the church's 86th Anniversary on December 9. The day was signified with a visit of Very Rev. Fr. Daniel Findikyan for the fist time after his election as the Primate of the Eastern Diocese. Hayr Soorp celebrated the Badark and presided over the festive luncheon and program in the church hall. It was also highlighted with the presence of the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the US His Excellency Mr. Varujan Nersesyan.
At the conclusion of Badarak a special prayer was offered for the souls of victims of the 1988 earthquake in Armenia, on the occasion of its 30th anniversary. During the Hokehankist service parishioners and friends prayed for the souls of their loved ones as well as all the deceased chairladies of the St. Mary Women's Guild.
The festive luncheon and program at the church hall included a beautiful performance by the St. Mary Young Performers under the leadership of Nunik Nishanian and Victoria Petrosyan. Natalie George shared her experience in the Holy Land with a slide presentation and recounted her pilgrimage which she took in summer of 2018. Remarks were made by the Ambassador Varujan Nersesyan and NKR Representative Robert Avetisyan.
The culmination of the afternoon was the honoring of all those who served as a St. Mary Women's Guild chairlady. Der Hovsep presented the honorees with a certificate of recognition and stressed the important role of women in the church as "the educators, nurturers, the keepers and protectors of our Armenian faith and Christian heritage".
The event was concluded by remarks and a benediction by Fr. Daniel Findikyan.