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Student Code of Conduct
Student Behavior and Discipline
The Student Code of Conduct is intended to enable students to govern their own behavior. At the start of the school year, the code of conduct is explained to all students. The school administration requests that parents familiarize themselves with the code of conduct and discuss the importance of adherence with their children.
The school administration, committees and our teachers are focused on achieving academic success for all students. To that end, we proudly endeavor to maintain discipline and organization. The procedures and regulations preserved within the code of conduct have been carefully and reasonably considered. Our code of conduct is deemed necessary to support the school administration and ensure an orderly and safe learning environment.
It is fundamental to promote harmony and cooperation amongst parents, students, teachers and school administration to ensure its implementation.
To ensure adherence to this code of conduct, it is essential that parent and students become familiar with the various procedures and regulations. With close cooperation, we can ensure compliance.
We thank parents, students and the school staff for their support, involvement, and cooperation. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at the school.
​- Shnorhali Armenian School Administration
Student code of conduct
Courtesy and good manners are expected in the church halls, school grounds and at any school sponsored event. This includes the classrooms, lunchroom, hallways and bathrooms.
Please take the time to carefully review the Shnorhali School Code of Conduct below, then sign the commitment form attached. It would be much appreciated if you could then return the signed form to your child's teacher or a school administrator at your earliest convenience.
Regular, on time attendance is necessary for effective learning and for identity development.
There are only 38 week sessions, so we ask that vacations and activities be scheduled accordingly. Students must attend at least 80% of sessions. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a parent meeting with the Principal. -
Parents should inform the teachers about the student's anticipated absence as soon as possible, three days or more ahead of time.
Absences due to sickness, being out of town, and family emergencies are excused.
In case a student misses class, the student/parent should email/call the teacher for assignments, so that the child can complete the work prior to the next class. Our curriculum is cumulative and we do not want any student to fall behind.
Before Class
Students should:
a. Arrive at school by 9:30 AM, ensuring to enter through the rear entrance of the church.
b. Report directly to their classroom, greet the teacher, have their assignments and supplies ready to begin class promptly at 9:30 AM.
In Class
Students should:
a. Be obedient and respectful of teachers and adults.
b. Be respectful of fellow classmates.
c. Be cooperative during the teaching process and not disrupt it in any way.
d. Be attentive to the teacher and participate in class.
e. Be respectful of school and church property, and the property of others
f. Use appropriate language at all times.
g. Not eat, drink, or chew gum during class.
After Each Class and at the end of the School Day
Students should:
a. Tidy up their desks and the classroom.
b. Put away supplies, put trash in the trash container.
c. Prepare the room for the next class session.
During Church Service
Students should:
a. Sit quietly and be attentive to the service.
b. Not leave the service without being excused.
c. Bring church offerings (in any amount possible, including coins).
d. Follow the teacher out of the church hall in a quiet and orderly manner when instructed.
The student should:
a. Remain seated and wait to be served lunch by an adult.
b. Exhibit proper table manners and be respectful.
c. Clean his/her table and tidy up the room at the conclusion of the lunch break.
The student should:
a. Make sure to have his/her assignments, books, notebooks before leaving.
b. Remain with his/her teacher until parent's arrival.
Dress Code
a. Navy blue dress pants or skirt.
b. White button-down dress shirt.
c. Dress shoes. *T-shirts, flip-flops, clothing which exposes a bare midriff', baggy/ loose pants are NOT acceptable under any circumstances (even if they are of the appropriate color-navy blue/white).
a. In case of an emergency, the teacher and the principal should be notified as soon as possible.
The following behavior will result in disciplinary action:
a. General misconduct–behavior that interferes with the education process during class time.
b. Disregard for safety–behavior that negatively affects the safety of others, such as use of force, running through the halls, intimidation or other similar actions.
c. Obscenities–verbal abuse, use of profane language, obscene gestures, written obscenities.
d. Disrespect–verbal and written disrespect shown toward school, school staff and/or other students.
e. Insubordination–failure to respond to reasonable requests from school personnel.
f. Fighting–fighting of any sort will not be tolerated.
g. Vandalism–willful, careless, malicious defacement or destruction of property.
h. Any illegal activity will not be tolerated.
Please sign below and return this sheet to Shnorhali School teacher or staff member to verify that you have received a copy of the Shnorhali School Code of Conduct.
I have received a copy of the Shnorhali School Code of Conduct.
I agree to read and explain the rules and requirements of the school to my child(ren) ensuring they will abide by these rules to the best of their abilities.
Covid-19 Protocols
The St Mary Shnorhali School continues to lean on the expertise of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and DC Health for guidance on COVID-19 school operations. For the 2021-2022 academic year here is what families can expect at school to maintain a safe environment for in-person learning:
Practice safe routines: All staff, students, and visitors must wear a mask or face covering, and PPE and hygiene supplies will be provided.​
Enhanced cleaning protocols for high touch surfaces.
Space arrangements: Students should be separated as far as possible, and individual desks and tables are to be facing the same direction to the extent feasible.
Student cohort interactions will be limited to the extent feasible, but there will be no cap for student or staff cohort interactions in any grade.​
COVID-19 reporting protocols: Schools will report positive cases within the school community if a person has been in the building during their infectious period, along with a quarantine protocol.
These layered mitigation strategies will ensure that our school is physically safe and healthy learning environments.
Covid-19 Attestation Form
The Shnorhali School is committed to the safety of our staff and students. This form must be completed before a student enrolls in the school. By signing this form you promise to uphold the following standards.
If the student has had the following symptoms he/she will not attend school for at least 10 days: cough, shortness of breath, difficulty, breathing, new loss of taste or smell, fever of 100.4 degrees or higher, chills, muscle aches, sore throat, headache, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, congestion or runny nose, that are due to another health condition.
The student or someone in the student’s household is waiting for COVID-19 test results, has been diagnosed with COVID-19, or has been instructed by any health care provider or the health department to isolate or quarantine.
The student has had close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 or suspected of having COVID-19, in the last 10 days.
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