Armenian Church
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My Role at St. Mary: Understanding Membership
Communicant Member
Did you know the Armenian Church has two kinds of members: “communicant” members and “voting” (a.k.a “dues-paid”) members?
All men, women, and children baptized in the Armenian Church are communicant members of the Armenian Church- this means they have full access to the sacramental life of the Christian church.
After Baptism and Chrismation, they thrive in the life of the church through participation in all the rest of the sacraments, namely Penance, Communion, Holy Orders, Holy Matrimony, and Rites of the Sick. The sacraments guide us in our life-long journey toward Christ.

Voting Member
A voting member is a communicant member with certain privileges. It is through donation of a nominal annual fee that a voting member attains these privileges.
Voting members are able to:
a) Participate fully and vote in the Parish Assemblies
b) Hold elected office within parish administration or special committees
c) Enjoy special discounts and courtesies for sacramental services (weddings, baptism, funerals, etc)
d) Enjoy reduced rates for facility rentals
e) Draft and vote on proposals that influence our parish and the Diocese
A steward of the church is a voting member who supports the church above and beyond the nominal annual fee. Stewards respond to the call to serve as servants of Christ and work not only to sustain the Church’s mission, but also to enhance that mission through a profound commitment of financial support, according to their means.
Your annual stewardship commitment will help sustain our parish and contribute toward its growth, thus ensuring that our children, grandchildren and family will always have a place of worship to call their home in the years ahead.
Your annual membership commitment entitles you to fully benefit from the parish's various ministries while financially supporting the work of your Armenian Church.
Making Important Decisions: The Parish Assembly
Voting members and communicant members are able to attend the Annual Parish Assembly, but only voting members have the right to vote, make motions, submit proposals, and/or hold elected office.
The Parish Assembly is one of the administrative bodies of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of America headed and presided over by the Primate of the Diocese. It is the highest administrative body within our parish. Its jurisdiction covers all administrative matters associated with our church, including: building/renovation projects, outreach, education, auxiliary organizations, Diocesan issues, parish finances, as well as short and long term parish visions.
The Pastor presides over the Parish Assembly and a lay chairman is elected from among the voting membership to conduct meetings.