Shnorhali School Hantess
On December 16 the St. Mary Shnorhali School held its annual Christmas Hantes. This year's Hantes centered around the true meaning of the "Gifts of Christmas" and included the participation of students from Preschool to High School with over 80 students in total. Children of different grades beautifully recited scriptural passages, read from the Bible and sung different Sharagans and Carols as they presented six true gifts of Christmas: Joy, Hope, Giving, Worship, Peace and Love.
Our sincere appreciation goes out to the talented Hantess organizers Miss Becky Baghdasarian and Yn. Jennifer Karapetyan, as well as the co-directors, Gohar Grigorian, Yervand Khoranian and Avedis Seferian, and the entire Sunday School staff and parents for their help and participation.