St. Mary ACYOA Jr. Lock-in
Our ACYOA Juniors held their annual lock in at St. Mary Chrch on March 15-16. The event was both fun and spiritually fulfilling for our youth. Thirteen Junior members gathered for activities, games and spiritual connection, facilitated by Ms. Becky Bagdasarian, Mr. Eric Ashbahian and Mr. Daron Bedrosian. In the evening they participated in a beautiful peace service led by Der Hovsep. Der Hayr also gave them a message and explained the purpose of the Lenten period in our church, it's true meaning and how to effectively keep the Lent in their hearts and minds.
The teens enjoyed pizza and snacks while they played games and relished in one another's company before returning home on Saturday morning. Special thanks to Ms. Becky Bagdasarian and Mr. Zaven Kalayjian for chaperoning overnight.