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Making Mahs
This week our devoted team of "Mahs Bakers" gathered within St. Mary Church's kitchen to make mahs. Our special thanks to Lola Pickering, Gulbahar Ozkayan, Haikouhi Koudoussian, and Takuhi Ozbenian who skillfully mixed the ingredients to make the mahs.
The Armenian word "mahs" means a portion. It is blessed, unconsecrated bread (not Holy Communion) that is given to the faithful to take to those who were unable to share in Holy Communion. It becomes their "portion" of the Badarak. When you receive mahs, extend your right hand so that the small piece of bread can be placed on the back of your hand, and as you receive the mahs say "Pazheen eem Asdvadz haveedyan" (God is my portion forever).
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