St. Sarkis Day Celebration Luncheon
St. Mary's Ararat Avak Society hosted the Saint Sarkis Day Celebration Luncheon on Saturday, February 8 where over 100 people attended and enjoyed the Society's usual flair for beautiful table arrangements and a savory menu.
Saint Sarkis is one of the most beloved Armenian Saints as he is the Armenian Patron Saint of love and youth. Together with his 14 soldier companions, he was martyred for the sake of Christianity. On his feast day, the Armenian people pray to Saint Sarkis asking him to make their prayers audible to God.
Special thanks to our ladies of the Ararat Avak Society - Mari Shafakian, Eva Shafakian, and Takuhi Halljian - for organizing this special day with heartfelt celebration and grace. Our appreciation also goes to Talin and Manoug Habibian for setting photo booth and donating their services to make the day even more special.