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ACYOA Jr. Sports Weekend in Watertown, MA


This past Memorial Day weekend, St. Leon Armenian Church in New Jersey hosted the General Assembly and Sports Weekend. Our ACYOA Seniors, Chairlady Sophia Yedigarian and Vice Chairman Vasken Serpekian, attended the General Assembly on Thursday and Friday to represent our church. During the General Assembly participants discussed and voted on important matters which will affect the ACYOA throughout the upcoming year. 


On Saturday and Sunday many St. Mary ACYOA Seniors participated in the sporting events, which included basketball, volleyball, tavloo, and ping-pong. The St. Mary ACYOA Seniors were able to enjoy each others’ fellowship, as well as meet and spend time with other fellow Armenian Christian attendees of the Sports Weekend. We thank the St. Leon ACYOA Seniors for putting together a weekend of worship, fellowship, witness, education, and more!
Submitted by: Sophia Yedigarian

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