Saintly Women's Day Celebration
This year the Women's Guild celebrated Saintly Women's Day by honoring three women from the Holy Gospels: the woman who touched Jesus' cloak, the woman who anointed Jesus' head at Bethany and the Syrophoenician woman. The guest speaker for the day was Robin Darling Young, Ph.D., Associate Professor, from The Catholic University of America. Professor Young's presentation, "Women Saints in the Narratives of Early Christian Armenia", was a thought provoking reflection on the three women being honored for the day.
Almost 100 guests, including many from Soorp Khatch and the Baltimore area, enjoyed a delicious and plentiful Lenten lunch prepared by the Saintly Women's Day Committee, the Women's Guild Executive Committee and a few volunteer members of the Women's Guild.
The St. Mary Women' Guild Executive Committee is grateful to the SWD Committee and the volunteers for their hard work and dedication to their guild, their church and their community. The Executive Committee is also thankful to all those who supported the event with their attendance and ensured it's success.